Sunday, August 25, 2013

Borneo International Marathon 2013 - 42KM

Since 2011 i've always wanted to join this event but it always falls on my work schedule. Finally in 2013 i decided to take a leave and join this event. Its my 1st time running in BIM and it is my 1st full marathon. So far i've only ran 2 10K and 1 25K ultra and running FM for BIM i'm quite nervous. The race is scheduled May,13th but somehow it is clashed with the election. At 1st the organizer decided to start the race a bit early, 12am instead of the 3am for the FM category on the same date. A week before BIM the event was reschedule to a new date which is August,25. I was a bit disappointed and demotivated because i trained hard for the event and i'm so ready for the race. The new date for the BIM is right after Ramadan and Syawal, so training is a problem and by that time fitness level will be a concern. Anyway on the May,13 we decided to go for a run to support the event and for those who came from outside of Malaysia. Despite we don;t have support from the local authority, the race director still manage to organize the fun run and many thanks to all the volunteer some of them also set up a food and water station.

August,25 race day finally. I don't know what to expect as my fitness level probably about 60-70%. Only a few runners for the FM since the race has been postponed. I was running at average pace 7'25". Halfway mark 21km I'm still feeling fine until i reach the turning point only that i feel a bit tired. At KM30 i feel a bit pain on my right knee but i kept going and by KM35 its getting worst so i stop running and continue walking. I walk for about 1.5KM before i continue running but i still can feel the pain on my knee. So i run and walk for the last 5km. I cross the finish line at 5hr 12min what a relief, not bad for my 1st FM.